

《女人不壞》令我想起早前在網上讀到北京Apple一則消息,說徐克在北京Apple shop介紹影片的後期(詳見此)。時為今年8月3日,適值奧運舉行前席,徐導大概是為了後製、宣傳及看奧運等一舉多得吧。《女人》全片說國語,在北京取景,只有馮德倫及方中信兩個香港演員,感覺卻是這些年來合拍片中看得最順眼的,不造作,也沒土氣。可能因為於徐克風格跳脫,令《女人》帶有(他)昔日港片的影子。

《女人不壞》中也出現不少Apple機, 周迅的家、張雨綺及她的助手都是用Mac的。


然而作為贊助商,Apple似乎並非「獨家」。片中某個會議場景就同時出現Apple、Compaq及HP等牌子的電腦。反而國內飲料品牌就有vendor machine的「硬銷」特寫(還要動用最人氣的桂綸鎂購買產品及扔出去搶鏡)。說到底,銀幕「產品廣告」無孔不入之餘也得兼顧格調及taste,華語片由多年前《天下無賊》到今天《女人不壞》,都仍維持在「肉麻硬銷」及「有奶是娘」階段,論sophisticated難望荷里活項背。或許《女人不壞》真正欠缺的,是一條5th avenue。

2 則留言:

KK 說...

最尾一段寫得很好,尤其是最後一句,叫我這讀工管的汗顏呢!The real problem these days is that a lot ppl who have done an MBA, or EMBA, or read a couple of quickie biz bk (Blue Ocean kind of crap) and pretend they know what biz is all about. So very few ppl really spend time to learn history, art, and mostly, life, before they can create some messages (even commercial ones) that are truly compelling. Just remember how Wall-E "boots" himself everyday with that stumble yet lovely Apple "pong", that is the thin line in between being articulated or being artificial (or plastic in Cantonese). Also countless examples on how James Bond played around with his cars, gadgets, watches, and so forth...

KK 說...

Just one more note, first, applause for Tsui Hark, who can keep on innovating (or reinventing) himself after being in the industry for three decades. But would it be a coincidence that China, or Beijing in particular, happens to be on the verge of leaping into a new stage of econ. development where a substantial bourgeoisie (or petite) starts to become a real force in the society, just like the early 80s when 新藝城 started to dominate. Seems like Tsui Hark has his unique perspective and language to connect between the new and old. Enough bs...