
哥普拉十年一導:Youth Without Youth

哥普拉繼十年前的The Rainmaker後,再次執導的電影。男主角是Tim Roth,trailer還見到Wings of Desire的Bruno Ganz。
Wikipedia報導,此片完成已久,哥普拉曾在今年奧斯卡後放給一眾大導演看,整體的意見是:很好但十分不容易 。

Youth With Youth Official:http://www.sonyclassics.com/youthwithoutyouth/
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_Without_Youth

2 則留言:

Tourist 說...

同樣期待 Coppola 新作,但總覺得他新作素質,可能仍無法與其舊作 The Godfather (1972)、The Conversation (1974)、 Apocalypse Now (1979)比擬,有點像Orson Welles,一早便為自己築下高山,以致後來連自己也無法超越。


Unknown 說...

When I read that it is going to be a personal movie of Coppola, I would wonder whether he is going to repeat the same mistake as "Apocalypse Now"...

My personal experience of watching "Apocalypse Now" is unforgettable- 4 audience in a Macau cinema watching a surrealist movie based on Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" in 1990s. The director & the characters in the movie are so indulged in their drink & affair that it resembles "life imitates art" and the only thing that is changed is that the background has shifted from Congo to Vietnam.