

新的片段,包括Janet Leigh換衣服被窺視,Anthony Perkins染滿鮮血的雙手等。這英文網誌有報導,這德文網誌更有frame by frame的解釋
倒有興趣看看Gus Van Sant的反應,他曾經跟鏡頭把《觸目驚心》remake,對新片段也許有不同體會。

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Hitchcock's Psycho is a cinematic
masterpiece,the existing edition is
already perfect,there is no need to
add some outtakes of Janet Leigh
changing clothes.I think Hitchcock cut out those shots because of censorship.Remember, Hitchcock is a
first rate craftsman who doesn't waste any shots,the peephole scene
leading up to the shower murder scene
is tightly designed and shot,that
capture perfectly the psycho-sexual
urges of Anthony Perkins.The same
scene being handled by GV Sant is
vulgarized.He shows Vince Vaughn
watching Anne Heche masturbating.
GV Sant's version is much inferior
to the original ,what is the point
of remake a classic when you do it
almost shot by shot without getting
any new input ?

the sole of christopher eccleston chinese fan site 說...

hitchcock 對電影創作思維理解能力之深,絶對是全球導演之冠。

他不單能夠活用生活細節去拍電影,而且能夠從將心理學透過 RGB 色彩空間完美無瑕地表理出來。

小妹完全未讀過鏡頭,請問你對 Foreign Correspondent 雨中殺人這幕有什麽看法呢?