
Is that all there is? 6 of 6

Lindsay Anderson在世最後一個自傳特輯,無巧不成話,以葬禮來結束。

字幕說,為紀念Jill Bennett及Rachel Roberts,兩位不算很有名的演員。看IMDB,前者曾演Anderson的《O Lucky Man!》;後者曾演《Britannia Hospital》。而Jill,是在1990年自殺身亡的。我對Rachel Roberts的印象較深,因為看過她在《This Sporting Life》及《Saturday Night and Sunday Morning》的演出。

《Is that all there is?》之前幾部份曾出現的「角色」,這時幾乎都聚在泰晤士河那送別的船上(包括那不肖的姪兒)。鏡頭看著Anderson與朋友寒喧,聲音則是Alan Price在船上自彈自唱的同名歌《Is that all there is?》(他亦是本片的配樂)。朋友離去了,生命就是這樣?用白話會更傳神:係咁架乍?

葬禮一點都不哀傷,歌曲及歌詞既調侃又厭世,Lindsay Anderson的致詞也很幽默:「I think up there, they will be having a good laugh. So may I ask you to drink to Jill and Rachel.」好一種樂天知命的達觀姿態。這片集的一年後到Anderson自己去了,我想他一樣希望朋友不要傷感。

Alan Price的自彈自唱很有味道,看上去不經意歌詞卻窩心。其中一段講愛情的如下:

and then I fell in love
head over hills of love
with the most wonderful girl in the world
I just sit for long, gazing into each other's eyes
we're so very much in love
and then one day, she ran away
I was alone
I thought I've died, but I didn't.
When I didn't, I said to myself
Is that all there is...to love?



「Perfection is not an Aim」

(Is that all there is? 六之六)

1 則留言:

Agnes Tse 說...

家明兄, 有位影癡網友Shirlie (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/shirliechau) 托我向你轉告有關Lindsay Anderson愛將Rachel Roberts的一二事:

1. Rachel Roberts有參演過O Lucky Man!.

(Agnes補充: Rachel Roberts, Jill Bennett和Lindsay Anderson還合作過一套電視作品The Old Crowd; Rachel Roberts在群戲"Murder on the Orient Express"也參演一角; 而If...,O Lucky Man!和Britannia Hospital是Lindsay Anderson的Trilogy)

2. Rachel Roberts由Lindsay Anderson所發掘, 在英國很有知名度.

(Agnes補充: Rachel Roberts曾經下嫁比自己年長21年的Rex Harrison. 遺憾是她本人經歷酗酒和抑鬱的折磨, 跟Jill Bennett一樣以自殺告終)

另外, shirlie邀請有心人到她的blog觀賞英國retina circus productions的片段, 誠邀評論(英文留言, 會交回英國有關方面更進) 並作行家交流. (希望你不怪我代shirlie在這裡"宣傳", 我只是負責轉述, 如有打擾先行抱歉)

Happy Christmas & New Year!