

剛讀到這篇訪問,受訪者原是The Village Voice的影評人Nathan Lee,33歲,三月底給雜誌辭退了。Rotten Tomatoes前幾天登了一篇Nathan的訪問,下面是我一些合心的言論。
"One of the underlying issues in all of this is...people are losing their jobs because of economic reasons, for the most part, but also film criticism - at least mainstream print criticism - is dominated by the Baby Boom generation and older. There's almost no one my age writing on a professional level at a major outlet...."

"There are a lot of young writers who are committed to really serious cinema and write about it with a lot of passion, but also very little sense of humor, and sense of liveliness. There's this ardent righteousness to it, and this kind of old fashioned, auteurist bent to it. On the one hand you either have dry, serious cinephilia, or you have glib, snarky philistines. There seems to be no middle ground...."

"I find most film writing almost...unreadable. And the longer I write, the less of it I try to read. I think that keeps me a better writer. I'm reading all the time, but I can learn more about the movies I'm seeing this week from reading a great 19th century novel than I can from whatever XYZ critic has to say this week about whatever. I think another problem with movie writing is that it's insular, especially Internet writing. It's so narrow and insular and just about movies, and I think to be a really good writer and film critic you need a range. You need to know what's going on in painting, you need to know what's going on in music, you need to read books, and get laid, and go to restaurants, you know what I mean? A lot of movie writing is very impassioned but it's very limited, very narrow. And I think good critics can put movies into a larger cultural and social perspective."


奉Nathan勸告,影評人Get laid喇,去餐館喇。想學寫影評的,首要條件:不讀影評。

這星期最大的失落,是在不自覺間把Rainbow Six Vegas 2打爆了。連線對打的網友都很強,我沒兩下就給打死。如果你的水準像我這麼低,不防host game我們互揪,我是fkaming。
希望《GTA 4》快些見街,以慰藉我迷失的心靈。有預言《GTA 4》首星期內會賣出6百萬套,進帳4億美元。如果預料成真,這將會是有史以來最強的娛樂商品開售。現在的紀錄保持者是Microsoft的《Halo 3》,首星期銷售額為3億美元。
《GTA 4》在香港一定要捱炒價嗎?望知情的轉告。

《GTA 4》的第一個trailer(現有四個),叫「Things will be different」,當然是語帶雙關,既說明新版不同,也道出場景換了在仿紐約的新鮮感。

3 則留言:

Lazybone 說...


匿名 說...


Unknown 說...

請別客氣, 留意訪問內的"不讀影評"有其前文後理, 細讀便知其實不是不讀, 只是選來讀.