

書名很好:《Everything is Cinema》。副題是「尚盧.高達的工作生活」(The Working Life of Jean-Luc Godard),將在今年康城影展前一天(5月13日)出版。

作者是Richard Brody,是《紐約客》的影評人及編輯,也是獨立片導演。

書的簡介頁這樣描述:"Richard Brody has amassed hundreds of interviews to demystify the elusive director and his work. Paying as much attention to Godard’s technical inventions as to the political forces of the postwar world, Brody traces an arc from the director’s early critical writing, through his popular success with Breathless, to the grand vision of his later years. He vividly depicts Godard’s wealthy conservative family, his fluid politics, and his tumultuous dealings with women and fellow New Wave filmmakers."
我是讀網誌「GreenCine Daily」知道這本書的。裡面還提到今期《紐約客》Brody有篇《Auteur Wars》的文章,可惜沒有網上版,只見摘要。文章交代了新浪潮兩個最著名導演高達及杜魯福的「恩怨情仇」。他們由新浪潮開始一直很要好,直至六十年代,高達離棄電影,也跟其他新浪潮導演疏離。其中一件關於兩人不和的事,是1973年高達向Jean-Pierre Leaud(《四百擊》的男主角)借錢,令杜魯福很憤怒。

看不到《Auteur Wars》一文,但《紐約客》網連結了Brody一個短訪,提到他為了《Everything is Cinema》到瑞士採訪70多歲高達,當時他正在製作《愛之頌》(In Praise of Love,2001年)(香港曾公映)。Brody看見他工作間一室都是器材,電視上播映著的是法國網球公開賽。原來,高達是個標準網球迷。

像不像Stanley Kubrick歸隱英國,仍有朋友為他寄上美國電視的錄影帶,讓他可以看到《The Simpsons》及其他節目?
