(後記:剛在網上讀到這POST,說這可能是「FAN BOY MOB」「做野」的結果(it might show evidence of a fanboy mob at work)。集體給《The Dark Knight》滿分10分不在話下;同時間也群起拉低《教父》的分數。過去一段時間,給《教父》投1分(最低分)的用家由6.1%增至6.4%,多了0.3個百份比。《教父》有29萬8千多票,約1190個IMDB用戶的「1分」投票,便把《教父》從榜首扯了下來,據說《教》在IMDB Top250的最高位置已保留逾10年。)
7 則留言:
唔通你覺得the godfather好過the dark knight?
it's always the problem with online voting. the most recent whatever entry is, the more vote that entry will get. The images are vivid and a lot more audience are exposed to such images. The same goes even with football, as a lot people think Maradona is better than Pele, or Messi better Maradona. A piece of sad fact on the Internet age.
Actually I also voted TDK a 10. :P
I remembered some time ago, the #1 movie was not Godfather but Shawshank Redemption.
Online voting is always difficult to see if it's true or not. Honestly, I don't believe TDK can have (now) 160k+ "valid" vote.
I'm more interested into the consolidated critic from Rotten Tomatoes. 4 out of 6 NY reviews gave TDK bad comments. Readers suggesting New Yorker only like Spiderman but not Batman, which seems like came from Chicago.
Ha Ha BLOG年代~~
BTW, Dark Knight is great~