
IMDB Top10 updated



(後記:剛在網上讀到這POST,說這可能是「FAN BOY MOB」「做野」的結果(it might show evidence of a fanboy mob at work)。集體給《The Dark Knight》滿分10分不在話下;同時間也群起拉低《教父》的分數。過去一段時間,給《教父》投1分(最低分)的用家由6.1%增至6.4%,多了0.3個百份比。《教父》有29萬8千多票,約1190個IMDB用戶的「1分」投票,便把《教父》從榜首扯了下來,據說《教》在IMDB Top250的最高位置已保留逾10年。)

7 則留言:

匿名 說...

唔通你覺得the godfather好過the dark knight?

匿名 說...


KK 說...

it's always the problem with online voting. the most recent whatever entry is, the more vote that entry will get. The images are vivid and a lot more audience are exposed to such images. The same goes even with football, as a lot people think Maradona is better than Pele, or Messi better Maradona. A piece of sad fact on the Internet age.

Unknown 說...


匿名 說...

Actually I also voted TDK a 10. :P

I remembered some time ago, the #1 movie was not Godfather but Shawshank Redemption.

Online voting is always difficult to see if it's true or not. Honestly, I don't believe TDK can have (now) 160k+ "valid" vote.

I'm more interested into the consolidated critic from Rotten Tomatoes. 4 out of 6 NY reviews gave TDK bad comments. Readers suggesting New Yorker only like Spiderman but not Batman, which seems like came from Chicago.

匿名 說...




匿名 說...

Ha Ha BLOG年代~~

BTW, Dark Knight is great~